Thank You for buying my book Happiness! Is It Simply A Mindset Shift?
Below you will find some useful resources that accompany the book.
One Minute Breathing Meditation
This really simple meditation – can be done anywhere, anytime – and the effect that one minute has can be quite astounding. You can do this meditation when you are working and are faced with a stressful situation, or when you are over-tired and feeling a little grumpy – and yet need to attend a meeting, or standing at the supermarket checkout! It is a good go-to meditation. It can calm, focus and centre you.
Body Scan Meditation
What’s happening in our minds can affect what is happening in our bodies, just as what is happening in our bodies will affect what is happening in our minds. So having awareness of our bodies is so important to the wellbeing of our minds.
The body scan is a very popular mindfulness technique and involves bringing awareness to the various parts of the body, step by step. So start with doing this body scan now. Try and do this at least 3 times a week if you can.
What is Mindfulness?
Watch the short explanation below of what mindfulness is.
Compassionate Me
In 2015, following the talk from the Dalai Lama, I was so touched and inspired by his message of compassion that I felt compelled to do something – to spread a little compassion – even if on a very small scale.
And so, together with a group of friends, I created a FREE 28-day programme for all of us to embark on and spread some love, joy and true compassion to those around us.
This is available for you to do by clicking HERE.