I’m sure you all would agree with me that Jeremy would be so embarrassed with all this attention he is getting. But, I know that if he is watching from up there he will be as moved as I am today.
These last 8 months have been the darkest of my life. They’ve been bloody awful. But, when I came here on Friday to take a look at the hut and being here today with all of you – I see a flicker of light. Knowing that Jeremy was loved by so many people and that he lives on in your memories really helps me.
Before you go today, I’d really like it if you could share just one memory that you have of Jeremy and post it in the Memory Bottle – it will make me really happy to see what you remember him for – and will help with the healing process.
On behalf of me and Jeremy’s daughters Jenny, Katie and Amanda I want to say a big thank you for keeping his memory alive in a such a special way today.
The sub-committee – Terry Newman, Sue Goodsir, Brian Collison and Malcolm Roberts have worked so hard to make this day happen – and have been so generous with their time, money and efforts. You have shown what true friends you are to Jeremy. I am grateful to Terry’s support over the last few months – and touched by the attention to detail that he has taken to make today special. The little X4 JFL car model just blew my mind.
Thank you to Jerry and the office staff. And to Robin and his team too for all the help over the last few months. Thank you to Michael and his team. Jeremy loved sausages – I know he would order sausage and black pudding sandwiches for lunch for so many years – an acquired taste I’m sure.
I often think of Jeremy up there – having just played a round of golf on the best greens ever – sorry Robin – I mean second best greens ever – and I think of him with some of his friends who also left us too early – Gary Curran telling a joke or two and Mick Knight in his stripy trousers – and I am glad they have each other for company – and I know that they are all looking after us from up there.
Many of us in this room have lost loved ones so let’s all take a moment to remember them and raise a glass to our absent friends.
We are on earth for such a short time – and I always think that how we are remembered is so important.
Did we love well, did we live well, did we matter?
Jeremy’s legacy includes his strong, independent daughters, the relationships he cultivated with his family, friends and colleagues – and now the money that he has left enabling me to set up the Jeremy Lucas Education Fund in his name to educate and empower young Samburu girls in Kenya. Do take a look at the flyers that are around. Even if you don’t donate – just know that in his name crucial, life-changing work is being done.
And then of course there is the legacy he left here at the club. And today, with the opening of the starter hut and noticeboard, and all of you being here and playing and donating you have honoured his name, celebrated his life and paid tribute to the many years he spent here as employee, member, manager and friend.
Jeremy always thought of Bramley Golf Club as his second home. I never really understood why – until now. So Thank You.
Even to the very end Jeremy was thinking of others and on Thursday 28 July 2016 in the morning he sent out numerous text messages to friends that he wanted to reach out to – I know that some of you here Peter Robin, Nick, amongst others all received messages that morning.
That evening Jeremy passed away.
I want to leave you with Jeremy’s words from one of those text messages. I think there’s a message for us all in it.
“Not good news I’m afraid. Been given only a short time to go – days, maybe weeks at most. Thank you for your lovely friendship which I have really cherished and the fun and laughter it has brought. Take care and keep on doing what you do so well – which is everything. Enjoy your life to the full – it is too short not too. Best wishes. Jeremy.”