On 25 February 2011, 8 dancers from the Karen Clarke Theatre School visited Cranleigh Golf and Country Club to film a Just Jhoom! routine choreographed to the track Diamonds by the pop duet James-Honey.
James Snider – one half of the duet – contacted Just Jhoom! in late January 2011 to see if we could provide some Bollywood dancing to the duet’s fantastic track Diamonds. Diamonds is a track that is written with Greg Fitzgerald (he has written for Kylie Minogue, Jessica Simpson etc). Having listened to it, I was immediately inspired to choreograph the dance using a mixture of Bharata Natyam (South Indian Classical Dance), Bollywood moves and also got the dancers to create some of the contemporary motifs.
The idea for the Diamonds video was to shoot a number of dancers performing to the song. This would then be edited into one video so essentially there would be a montage of dancers. So for example, there will be a ballet dancer, break dancer, street dance group, modern dancer, figure skater, hip hop dancer and now Just Jhoom! Bollywood Dance!
James-Honey are currently working with Freedom music management to launch them. Freedom has looked after the likes of Gary Barlow as well as JLS and Eliza Doolittle’s song writers.
With James, Honey and their parents watching proceedings, the dancers performed the routine whilst Graham from Freedom music management filmed them. The dancers also produced individual pieces to the duet’s Haunted Room track.
The duet is hoping that the video will have a ‘viral’ effect online (people will watch it and show friends, who will show friends).
The dancers did a fantastic job – their ability to pick up choreography was really impressive – and their performance and presentation skills outstanding. James-Honey seemed really pleased with the results. I know I was – and we look forward to seeing the final music vid
eo when it goes online!
To find out more about James-Honey visit their Facebook Page www.facebook.com/jameshoneyofficial or website www.jameshoney.com
To find out more about Karen Clarke Theatre School visit their website www.karenclarke.co.uk
Thank you Just Jhoom! The video will look great – you are a very talented lot 🙂