Category: Dance Matters
Jhoom! Jhoom! It’s always time to Jhoom!

Just Jhoom! Hand Gestures
Learn the Hand Gestures here before you try out a Zoom Jhoom! class or the Lockdown Jhoom! routines

Zoom Jhoom!
A chance for you to dance with me – via Zoom. These classes were filmed during the Covid-19 pandemic – and were taught to people all over the world via Zoom. Learn the Hand Gestures HERE before doing the class if you are new to Just Jhoom! Want to learn one dance at a time – go to our Lockdown More →

Forever Jhoom – Seated Jhoom!
A few people have been asking about routines that can be done sat down… So here are a couple by Just Jhoom! Instructor Emma. We will post some more as soon as we can. MOBILITY WARM-UP – SEATED Just copy Emma to warm-up safely! ROUTINE BY EMMA Just copy Emma in this routine!

Mindful Dance
As we all face days and maybe weeks of self-isolation it is important to nurture and nourish your body through exercise and healthy eating. Keeping physically active and fit relieves stress, helps you sleep better, improves your mood and has a positive impact on depression and anxiety. Dance to your favourite music, join an online fitness class or go for More →

Last Just Jhoom! Class in Cranleigh
And so it was…the last Just Jhoom! class in Cranleigh. After teaching Bollywood dance there since 2005, and launching Just Jhoom! in 2010, I taught my last Just Jhoom! class on Saturday 14 September 2019. It really felt like an end of an era! For 2 hours, Jhoomers and Just Jhoom! Instructors jhoomed to 24 Bollywood tunes. From the ubiquitous More →

Just Jhoom! – 9 Years on…
As we mark 9 years of Just Jhoom! I thought it was prudent to highlight some of the main changes that the company has gone through in the past year or so… Thank you for all your support these past 9 years. I hope you will continue to accompany me on wherever the Just Jhoom! journey takes us next….

Chan Kitthan…A dance tribute to Jeremy
The last photograph Jeremy ever took was that of the moon. Every time I look at the moon I think of him – and feel as if he is looking after me as the moon’s light and rays fall over me. So, I choreographed this dance in tribute to him for the 18th of May 2019 – what would have More →