Dance classes
When you become a Bollywood Dance Teacher the obvious way to earn money is to start Bollywood dance classes. But that’s only half the story! I earn so much of my income doing a variety of other events, workshops and teaching gigs. Not only does this work out to be hugely lucrative, but it keeps things varied and super interesting.
So – here are my top 5 ways to earn more teaching Bollywood dance.
1) Hen Parties
Always a laugh – and such a fun thing to be part of. I do loads of hen parties teaching brides-to-be and their friends and families some Bollywood dance routines. In fact, in our Teach Bollywood Dance teacher training we give teachers a detailed breakdown of how to run a fun, successful hen party. We talk about pricing and props, activities and extras that you can add on to the party.
2) Children’s parties
This is a really lucrative income stream for me. Bollywood dance really captures the imagination of children – especially young girls. In fact, I’ve already written a blog about this – do take a look. It is written for parents – but Bollywood dance teachers can get the gist of how it all works too. I can charge anything between £190 and £300 for a 2 hour party.
3) Fundraising and private events
The Bollywood theme is hugely popular for fundraising events. People just love to dress up and eat curry! And, if you can get them up and teach them some Bollywood moves – well they just love that! I get asked to do events like this all the time. And sometimes I get asked to attend private birthday or celebration parties too. The fundraising and charity events will always have a budget so that they can pay for a Bollywood dance teacher to attend and teach their guests some Bollywood dancing and get the party started! And, if you get yourself known in your local area – people will be recommending you all the time.
4) School workshops
If you like working with children – then another option is school workshops. Schools have pots of money that they have to spend on guest teachers. And, once you become one of their contacts, well then it is really repeat work year after year! And, schools pay well too – and can be really flexible on what day you can come in to teach. You can charge between £150 and £350 for a school workshop from 9am – 3pm (including travel). It really is worth it! Here are my 10 Top Tips To Teaching Bollywood Dance in Schools.
5) Care Homes
This is one for those of you who really feel confident and called to do this work – as it can be emotionally and physically draining – but hugely rewarding all at the same time. I’ve had my most special teaching moments teaching in care homes. Budgets are tighter in care homes – but workshops are never more than 45mins to 1 hour long, so you can fit them around your other work. And, as they say, it all adds up.
Now you too can Teach Bollywood Dance with our new online training course.