I’ve read so many statuses on Facebook by people saying how 2014 was a really good year for them – the best in some cases. I’m happy for them – at least not everyone had a year like mine – a truly crap year. It was quite simply the worst year of my existence. And all I can say is “Bloody good riddance to it!”
I won’t go into all the shite that I’ve had to go through in 2014 – suffice to say that I really wasn’t sure if I could take anymore – and so when on the last day of the year – I heard that my dad was also unwell, I thought “Well that just bloody sums up the year – doesn’t it?”
But I woke up this morning – a brand new year, a brand new chapter – and I know things are going to change for the better.
But how is that possible? Nothing has changed since yesterday (31/12/14). Today (01/01/15), my dad is still unwell, Jeremy continues to battle his cancer and I still feel much turmoil in my professional career and continue to question my life purpose….
What actually does change at the turn of a year – except for the date? Is it about mindset? Is it psychological?
I don’t know. All I know is that this is going to be a good year. For one thing, I am determined to make some big changes. And I’m ready – for anything life throws me – knockbacks – and just as importantly – opportunities.
Life is tough. I see it every single day – with my clients, friends, family, people around. And sometimes we just have to suck it up and get on with it. Occasionally we need to give in to it – and allow ourselves to heal – with the support of others.
But the main thing is – that we have to give life the best chance we can. It is our only chance – we have one life – we need to live it – and accept the bad with the good.
So for those of you who had a great 2014, I hope your 2015 is just as good. And for those of you, like me, who had a shitty 2014, let’s make 2015 a really good one. We owe it to ourselves. We owe it to this precious gift we have been given – life.
Happy 2015. Happy Life!