Compassion – More Necessary Now Than Ever Before

As we digest what has happened here in the UK over the last few days – I despair at the results – and what it means for all of us over the next few years – in society, in our communities, in our economy and in our standing on the international stage from all sorts of aspects – humanitarian, conservation, climate change, economical.

The last few days have seen increased incidents of racism in our towns and cities, more intolerance than ever on social media, and in-fighting and backstabbing amongst our politicians (more than ever).

And, I think the message that we have sent out to the world – is one that is not very flattering. Our message seems to be – WE matter more than anyone else, that it is all about OUR self-interest, and that we are no longer a welcoming or tolerant nation.

But now, we must come to the terms with the decision. The country (whether we like it or not) has decided that the way forward is for us to leave the EU. Now, we must get on with the business of actually doing so.

But, before we do, we need to STOP. We need time to heal. Time to reflect. Time to show compassion. Time to repair our fractured society – where neighbour has turned against neighbour, friend against friend and family members against each other.

Stop. Breath. Heal. Be Kind.


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