A Widow’s Story – As Told Through Photographs

These photos signify the Hindu widow – wearing a white sari – with a bare back. The inspiration was taken from the film Water by Deepa Mehta. The long hair is in defiance to the norm where a Hindu widow’s hair is shorn back. The photos are taken in a cold, grey tint to show the starkness of the story. More →

From Wife To Widow

In the moment that my husband Jeremy took his last breath, my identity changed from being his wife to being his widow… On 28 July 2016 my beautiful, kind husband Jeremy died from a rare form of renal cancer. It was the most devastating thing to have happened to me in my life. During the first two years of grieving More →

Wife to Widow – A candid look at dying

Over the last few years I have been struck by how scared people are about talking about dying. So I get it – it isn’t the most cheerful topic to talk about over the dinner table! And, I think some of my friends are beginning to avoid me as I become a “death bore”. But, the thing is, we need More →