Interview on Living Raw Radio

“In an open, honest and very candid radio interview, I talk about my depression, bereavement, family estrangement and all the life events that have shaped me over the years.” Shalini Bhalla-Lucas

Interviewed by award-winning businesswoman and radio presenter Geeta Sidhu-Robb for her radio programme on Living Raw Radio. More →

Life’s Changing Seasons

When we look back on a year it is usually the extreme lows and highs that we remember. We seem to forget the small things. This isn’t surprising given how much the big events and occurrences affect us. 2018 has been punctuated by loss after loss and it feels likes there has been no respite since the day Jeremy died More →

Always With You – Book Club Offer

My offer to you and your book club I want to share my story with you and your friends and I’d love Always With You to be included in your book club reading list in 2019. I’ve created a Special Book Club Package, which I hope will help bring my story to life and inject a bit of extra pizazz More →

Wife to Widow – A candid look at dying

Over the last few years I have been struck by how scared people are about talking about dying. So I get it – it isn’t the most cheerful topic to talk about over the dinner table! And, I think some of my friends are beginning to avoid me as I become a “death bore”. But, the thing is, we need More →